Diversion Program Information
Osteopathic Physicians in Recovery
What is the Diversion Program?
The purpose of the Diversion Program is to identify and seek means to rehabilitate Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons with impairment due to abuse of dangerous drugs and alcohol.
Services provided include:
- Confidential consultation with professionals in the field of chemical dependency
- Intervention services
- Assessment of treatment needs and referral to appropriate resources
- Assistance in the development of a rehabilitation plan
- Monitoring of compliance
- Encouragement and peer support
Why This Service?
Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons are not immune to chemical impairment. In fact, there may be an even greater risk of such problems due to the availability and accessibility of drugs in the workplace and the work-related stresses that accompany a practice.
Problems Grow...
Not recognizing or dealing with chemical impairment can make it more serious and difficult to solve. Often we are too close to the problem to be objective and our individual effort results in more stress, increasing the severity of the situation. An alcohol or drug problem left untreated may cause the physician risk to health, life, and the safety of patients.
There Are Places to Turn to for Help.
The first step in dealing with an alcohol or drug problem is for the individual to admit that he or she has a problem. It isn't easy to admit to another person that we are having trouble handling our problems alone. Unfortunately, health professionals often buy into the myth that they should be able to handle their problems alone.
What is a tremendous burden to one person can become a lighter load when shared with someone trained to counsel and help others with chemical dependency.
Who is Eligible?
An Osteopathic Physician who is licensed and residing in California and who is experiencing an alcohol and/or drug problem can voluntarily seek assistance by contacting the MAXIMUS 24 hour toll-free number (800) 522-9198.
A Confidential Service for Voluntary Participation.
This innovative program accepts referrals on a voluntary basis. Any licensed Osteopathic Physician in the State of California who is experiencing an alcohol and/or drug-abuse problem can voluntarily seek assistance by contacting a 24-hour toll-free number. ALL VOLUNTARY REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE ARE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED BY LAW. Those who use the program are assured that their problem and its disposition will remain CONFIDENTIAL.
Who Provides the Service?
The Osteopathic Medical Board of California has contracted with MAXIMUS, to provide confidential intervention, assessment, referral, and monitoring services. MAXIMUS is an independent, private organization providing professional chemical dependency monitoring and treatment. Its staff consists of licensed professionals who have had years of experience working with persons with chemical dependencies.
Referral to the Program
Osteopathic physicians may be referred to the Diversion Program in many ways. The Board refers eligible physicians who are impaired by chemical dependency problems from its disciplinary proceedings to this voluntary program. In addition, the program accepts osteopathic physicians who refer themselves or are referred by employers, friends or family.
Persons wanting to obtain information, arrange an intervention, or apply to the Diversion Program may contact MAXIMUS at (800) 522-9198.